Think You Had a Bad Dream? Think Again...WORST DREAM EVER.

May 20, 2009

So I had a bunch of weird dreams last night...the one that stood out, though, was one where Archy killed herself...violently. I'm looking for her, so I walk down to our room and see her lying on her parents bed (the room right across from ours). I'm like "hey what are you doing?" and she says some weird shit and she has a sharp object in her hands and she just fucking jams it into her heart!! She's bleeding all over and I'm freaking out like "oh my God, what the hell are you doing!!!??" just freaking out, and she replies with screaming "Oh, you think THAT'S fucking bad!?" and she just lobs the thing in and out of her heart like 20 times. I seriously cannot take it, I'm freaking out, crying, not knowing what the hell to do, blood all over, and she's laying there all weak and I think it's over. Something in my mind is like "I can save her, I'm gonna take her to the hospital." and then she gives me a final "it's not over..." and I start backing up because I don't know what to expect...she then like flexes her upper body so as to put enough pressure to expell a shitload of blood out of the wounds and there is just blood everywhere and she dies...

It kinda skipped to like, months after (or however much time, I'm not sure) and I'm talking to my brother trying to skip around how I feel...I'm stuttering at my every word, trying not to cry...then my dad walks in and says something like "I know how you're feeling" and I'm just freaking out yelling about how he has no clue and then I'm just crying SO hard and it feels so damn real...I woke up crying, tears running down my face...but...WHEW...Archy was there, alive and well.

Talk about a terrible dream....gah...