Jun 13, 2009

That's right...she told me that a farmer gave her workplace fruit, but they couldn't sell it so they were able to take some home. I get to her work to pick her up, and she has a box labeled "Fruit, Archy". She told me it was mangos lol! So we get home, I open the box, and what do I see?

An Xbox 360, play and charge kit, Resident Evil 5, Dynasty Warriors 6, and Project Gotham Racing 4!

AHHHH!!! I have been missing the 360 since I sold mine in 2007. I get to finally play Resident Evil 5!! I can't believe it! My lovie is sooo awesome! :p I love you baby, thanks for the awesome surprise!!

2 comments: said...

That's what you get for being such a great baby :p

HeartAttack said...

He he thank you, my love :) I love you!